
I am Keith Smith, an NFL Fullback. Many of you may not know me, but I have been blessed to play for some of the most iconic sports organizations in the Dallas Cowboys and the Oakland Raiders during my career as an NFL Fullback. Two organizations who have undoubtedly had some iconic fullbacks play in their prime years. And as of September 2019, a new member of the Atlanta Falcons!

In honor of the great NFL fullbacks before me who have paved the way for the opportunity presented to me, my goal is to encourage aspiring young fullbacks dreaming to play in the big leagues and rally with my fellow Fullback brethren around the league to bring back the glory days of the Fullback position.

We are the last of a dying breed. MAKE FULLBACKS GREAT AGAIN!

- Keith Smith


Brought to you by Keith Smith, Fullback, Atlanta Falcons.